Lily of the valley type of venation

In monocots, it is parallel (in cereals, sedges) and arcuate (in tulips, lily of the valley).

What kind of root system does lily of the valley have?

It is a herbaceous perennial (10-25 cm tall) with a long branched, creeping rhizome and root bundles. Lily of the valley grows in mixed and deciduous forests. It is a shade-tolerant plant. It blooms in May.

What is the perianth of the lily of the valley?

The flowers are regular, with a simple rounded bell-shaped, white, six-toothed perianth. There are six stamens, one pistil, one column, and an upper ovary.

What type of inflorescence is characteristic of lily of the valley?

Cabbage, lily of the valley, currant, bird cherry and other plants have a racemose inflorescence. It has individual flowers arranged alternately on clearly visible pedicels of almost equal length extending from a common shoot.