Cats and valerian

What does valerian do to a cat?

Valerian’s effect on cats This plant contains essential oils that excite the central nervous system and provoke a fireworks display of hormones in animals. Therefore, unlike humans, cats do not calm down after trying valerian, but fall into a state of euphoria and excitement.

Why do cats react to valerian?

Valerian has a special effect on cats and cats, causing them to become excited. Zoologists and veterinarians even equate the effect of valerian on cats to the effect of drugs on humans. That’s because this herb contains essential oils that remind cats of the smell of a cat’s sex hormones during estrus.

How to calm a cat in a carrier?

Don’t let your cat out of the carrier – a frightened animal can behave unpredictably: lunge at the owner, hide between the pedals, or even climb on the steering wheel. Don’t forget to make frequent stops to give your cat a break from the shaking, to drink or eat, and to go to the bathroom.